Earth Clinic

At some point, it becomes clear there is only one way and that’s in. When the time comes for the Great Witnessing and the perfect moment makes itself available, everything is aligned.

The energy we cultivate for these sessions is deeply nourishing, supportive and safe for the individual. Through various processes, we guide the individual to get to new depths of self-realisation, inner dialogue and radical self-access.

We work around your specific focus or intention or just allow it to naturally arise at the session. This is an opportunity for us to go in and do a depthful piece of work around a focus, trigger, wound or constellation of parts that you’d like to work on.

The energy of the container around this work is very solid – expect to see immediate signs and shifts as you agree to open up a space within to journey deep into the core of an important karmic bond, lesson or blockage. 

Our intention is to hold-space for Souls to drop into a state of deep healing, relaxation, awareness and witness. Through this, releasing can naturally occur.

A Powerfully Healing, Safe Space

The energy we cultivate for these sessions is deeply nourishing, supportive and safe for the individual. Through various processes, we guide the individual to get to new depths of self-realisation, inner dialogue and radical self-access.

The space that we hold is a tight, high frequency, safe and solid space. We cannot guarantee results, yet We can promise that you will be witnessed without judgment and guided to release the stories and programmes that keep accumulated dense energy locked in place.

We offer a pre-session consultation as well as a post-session check in, to help you make the most of the deep work. The best way to find out more, or explore if this is the next step for you, is to book a Discovery Call with us here

Integrative Modalities

▵ Energy techniques

▵ Tools of deep clearing

▵ Internal Family Systems

▵ Integrated breathwork

▵ Kundalini & kriya

▵ Sound frequencies

▵ “Shamanic” journeying

▵ Sacred medicines

▵ Herbs, oils & essences

▵ Voice and expression

▵ Movement

▵ Guides

▵ Past life regression

▵ Ancestral burden release

▵ Spiritual Crystal Healing

▵ Bodywork

▵ Constellations processes

▵ Intimacy exploration

Energy Exchange

These are in-person but can also be online, intensive and integrative 121 sessions that are tailored to each individual. The sessions are between 2 – 5 hours long for deep diving into the inner world of our parts, energy systems and Quantum realm. They cost between £222 and £666 depending on the type and length of sessions.

You can discuss this with either Roop Sagar or Natasha Anand.

If you’d like to explore the possibility of a Deep Dive session please book a Discovery Call with either practitioner below.

Natasha Anand offers a foundation of Internal Family Systems, Integrative Energy Medicine practices and somatic techniques to guide clients to journey into clearing karma, recalibrating neural pathways, reintegrating and witnessing parts. She can work with this life, past life and ancestral burdens.

Roop Sagar works with a foundation of Integrated Energy Medicine techniques and sound healing to guide clients into states of deep healing and witnessing where old karmic energy can be cleared and unburdened and new energy can be utilised to reinvigorate the internal systems as well as reestablish the functioning and charge of the body and mind.
